外资(欧美) 150-500人 医疗设备/器械
外资(欧美) 150-500人 医疗设备/器械
Hologic, Inc. is a leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of premium molecular diagnostic products and services that are used to diagnose human diseases, screen donated human blood and to aid in biomedical research. Hologic is also a leader in the development, manufacturing and sales of medical imaging systems and biopsy devices as well as surgical and treatment products, with an emphasis on serving the healthcare needs of women. Our business is dedicated to impacting the lives of people across the globe through the early detection of disease, improved diagnosis and less invasive treatments. There’s never been a more exciting time to join us. 豪洛捷是一家领先同侪,集研发、制造和供应优质分子诊断产品和服务、医疗影像系统、外科手术产品于一体的公司,以服务全球***医疗健康需求为己任。豪洛捷公司致力于通过早期诊断、微创的治疗方式帮助全球***得以享受更健康、更长寿的生活。目前hologic亟需优秀人才的加入。 Bright people, working together to pioneer advances in human health care, have created Hologic's success. Our company believes that people are our greatest asset and only by recruiting, hiring, developing and retaining the most talented employees can we continue to be successful. 有远见的人一起致力于健康诊断成就了今天的Hologic。我们坚信,人才是公司宝贵的财富,只有通过招聘、培训、发展、保留最优秀的人才,我们才能持续成功。 Our work atmosphere is stimulating, innovative and customer focused. We provide employees with state-of-the art tools and technology, a collaborative and passionate work environment and the ability to make a dramatic difference in the world of healthcare. 我们的工作氛围是促进创新和以客户为中心。我们为员工提供最先进的工具和技术,合作和充满激情的工作环境,以提升世界各地的医疗保健水平。 We are headquartered in Massachusetts and have centers of operation across North America, Europe, Central America, Australia and Asia. We have the strength and resources of a billion dollar company and the vision of leaders committed to a broad spectrum of health issues. 公司总部位于马萨诸塞州,在北美、欧洲、拉丁美洲、澳大利亚、亚洲设置了运营中心。我们将集中公司资源致力于提升全球的健康水平。 We are rapidly growing and yet we have never been more focused – on our people, on our growth, on our future. There has never been a more exciting time in our company’s history. Visit our website to learn more about the many career opportunities we have available today. 我们正在迅速成长,我们将更加关于于人民、成长与未来。这是一个激动人心的历史时刻,可以访问我们的网站以了解更多的职业生涯的机会。 Hologic has commercial organization, R&D, MFG facilities in China. China Headquarter is in Beijing. We aim to build China Organization an exciting place to work and grow professionally. 豪洛捷在中国设置了完整的商业机构,包括研发、生产等。总部位于北京,我们致力于打造积极的、专业的商业运营机构。